Written by K2 Adventure Advocate Glenna of Slightly Lost
A Hiker’s Dilemma – How Many Lowe Alpine Backpacks Are Too Many?
In the world of outdoor gear, some adventurers collect far too much of one particular type of equipment or apparel. Some collect hiking shoes, while others collect raincoats. Our closet is full of hiking packs. When we started preparing for an extended road trip around Australia, we made sure we brought our favourite day hiking packs, multi-day hiking packs, and duffel pack backpacks along for the ride. Our brand of choice? Lowe Alpine hiking packs

Lowe Alpine Day Hiking Packs
One of our favourite hikes in the South-East Queensland region is Mount Barney, a stunning piece of rock about two hours south of Brisbane. We’ve hiked this one multiple times with friends. Most recently we attempted Logans Peak, a challenging rock scramble up a sharp ridgeline of rock with stunning views.
On this hike, the Lowe Alpine Airzone Z 25L daypack allowed Bobby full use of his limbs and torso without hindrance from the pack. A hike like this one can be dangerous if you get off-balance, so having a pack that cinches tight and stays put is extremely important.
The perfect size for a day adventure, this strong and sturdy little pack has held up to many outdoor excursions around Brisbane.
Some great features of this pack are:
- Three separate pockets
- Water bladder compartment and hose loops
- Side mesh pockets
- Zip hip pocket
The best part about Lowe Alpine packs is their lifetime guarantee
Bobby added a hydration bladder and hiking poles to round out the capabilities of this pack.
Lowe Alpine Day Hiking Packs
Our bigger hiking packs are reserved for overnight hikes, the most recent expedition being into Carnarvon Gorge, eight hours north of Brisbane. We hiked 10km into this glorious oasis, full of Aboriginal cave art, stunning rock formations, and unique wildlife.
Our packs of choice for this one were the Lowe Alpine Cerro Torre 65-80L men's pack and Lowe Alpine Altus 50-55L women's pack. The Cerro Torre has lasted Bobby many years (and kilometres) of international trekking without so much as a tear. Glenna’s Altus was recently purchased but fit like a glove in the K2 shop and perfectly balanced her gear while allowing easy access to everything inside.

Perfect for a single overnight or a 10-day expedition in the Himalayas, the Lowe Alpine Multi-Day Hiking Packs provides some great practical and comfort features
The Lowe Alpine Altus 50-55L women's pack includes:
- Dual compartment with zipped side and base entry for easy access
- Zipped divider panel
- Hiking pole attachments
- Included raincover
How can I figure out which Lowe Alpine backpack is right for me?
If you’re in Brisbane, the easiest way to get the right pack for your next adventure is to visit us in-store! One of our experienced retail staff will measure you for the proper fit and help you narrow down your options.
We carry Lowe Alpine hiking packs along with several Australian and international brands.
If you aren’t near our storefront in Brisbane, give us a call, send us an email, or message us on social media to find the best fit for you. And if you decide the pack you order just isn’t right, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee (T&C’s apply).