Optimised for smooth movement and mobility, insulated outdoor pants provide the perfect outer layer and waterproof shell to your hiking gear. Not only do they protect you from the elements but also ensure other layers are kept dry. Insulated pants are also vital for hiking in colder environments with enhanced abrasion resistance. Some pants also include SPF 50+, which are perfect for added sun protection while out and about. Alternatively, the added warmth makes insulated bottoms the perfect camping pants for a chilly night spent outdoors.
Not only are insulated pants the perfect layering companion for all your winter adventures, but there are so many features within each piece that makes them versatile and essential in any mountaineering clothing collection. From wind and water-resistant to quick-drying, articulated knees, zip-thigh pockets, movement-mirroring stretch, zipped pockets, UV protection, or light-weight fabrics – there are elements to suit all your adventuring needs.
Furthermore, as the range has been formulated with an individual fit in mind for both males and females, the insulated pants enable full-range motion and quality comfort for all. There are also varying colours to choose from, so you can easily coordinate your adventuring outfit.
If you are struggling to find the perfect insulated pants to suit you, the K2 Base Camp product filter can also help sort out the range by activity, gender, and features to help narrow down your search. Alternatively, feel free to call us or head in-store and one of the friendly team members will be able to help you out.
Explore K2 Base Camp’s range of insulated outdoor pants now for all your cold weather adventure needs!