What camping gear to pack
Before setting out to camp it is important to be as prepared as possible. Not only will this maximise your experience, but it also minimises the risk of things going downhill. In addition to your individual requirements, your camping gear checklist will generally depend on the type and length of your upcoming activity.
At K2 Base Camp, we specialise in hiking and climbing adventures, and we have put together the following camping checklist highlighting some of the key essentials to bring:
- Ultralight sleeping bag: Necessary for a good night’s sleep without adding any additional weight to your hiking pack
- Sleeping mat or pad: Provides a soft, warm base to sleep on, even on rough terrain.
- Camping pillows: Easily inflated and secures to your sleeping mat.
- Sleeping tent: Size dependent on how many people travelling and extra space to shelter your gear.
- Technical clothing: Regular clothes won’t cut it out in the elements. We suggest packing thermals, a waterproof and insulated jacket that will keep you warm when the temperature drops.
- Cooking utensils: Including gas stoves (with enough gas), plates, cutlery and thermo containers.
- Hydration and Food/snacks: Enough water for the trip as well as water treatment, and a bladder or storage for your water. Remember to pack enough food plus a little extra in case of emergency.
- Survival Gear: It is most important when planning a camping trip to have a first aid kit, map or GPS and a Personal Locator Beacon.
To find out more about our camping gear, visit us in-store or get in touch with a member of our team today on 07 3854 1340!