K2 Base Camp Adventure Ambassadors
The K2 Adventure Ambassadors live and breathe adventure. They are climbers, runners, hikers, alpinists, mountaineers and travellers.
If you see them around the community say hi!

Mat Young - Outdoor Professional | Climber | Hiker | Trail Runner
Mat's entry point to life as an outdoor professional interestingly enough began at K2, as a climbing diehard Mat shared his knowledge and passion with climbing community. At K2, he met likeminded industry professionals that sparked his interest in guiding and before too long we lost Mat to Tassy where he moved to pursue a career as a top tier outdoor professional. Professionally, he takes adventurers into the wilds of Tasmania where he enjoys teaching people about the rich history and environment in order to help people foster stronger connections with those landscapes.
Outside of work you can find Mat doing creative linkups of Abels, he enjoys nothing more than a big day in the hills flowing through terrain and pushing his body and his equipment to its limits. When not running he's working his way through a never ending list of climbing goals on mountains and crags all over the state. In the last few years he has taken up alpine climbing, venturing to the mountains of New Zealand, Peru and America in this continued progression of adventurous climbing.
Favourite climbing areas include Mt Tibrogragan, Ben Lomond and Mt Arapiles, favourite run to date was the Three Capes Track and favourite area for multi-day adventures is the South West of Tassy where he loves the rugged mountain traverses and utter solitude found in a truly gigantic Wilderness World Heritage Area.

Orielle Michealis-Thorpe - Climber
Orielle is a strong young Aboriginal teenager with a bright future as a competitive lead and boulder sportclimber. What started as a mild interest has turned into a passion that we are convinced will lead her to Youth Worlds and possibly even the Olympics.
Geared up with her favourite La Sportiva comp climb shoes Skwamas and Solutions and her favourite trainers Kubo’s and Katana’s, Orielle won the 2024 QLD Boulder Titles Open A Female Category after coming 2nd in 2024 Nationals Youth B Female category, 2nd in Qld and 3rd in NSW/ACT Lead Titles.
Orielle loves travelling and camping with her family. In Aboriginal culture rocks are not just objects, they hold stories and purpose and some are even ancestors. Her dream is to travel the world while climbing outdoors and discovering the stories behind the rocks she will climb.